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 Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat.

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3 participants
Jack Swagger
Niveau 19
Jack Swagger

Messages : 1093
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2013

Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. Empty
MessageSujet: Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat.   Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. EmptyMar 19 Fév 2013 - 21:36

Un lutteur indépendant, RJ Brewer, accuse la WWE de copier son personnage d'anti-immigrant par le biais de Jack Swagger.

De son vrai John Stagikas, ce lutteur qui a également lutté pour Ring of Honor sème la controverse pour son discours anti-mexicain.

Bien qu'il ait déjà affirmé, en entrevue (http://articles.latimes.com/2012/apr...ation-20120410), que ce n'est qu'un personnage, Brewer affirme sur Facebook qu'il est bel et bien contre les immigrants aux États-Unis.

Je vous laisse savourer son texte en version originale. Particulier...
This will be the only time I respond to the questions I have received regarding WWE "stealing my stuff." I have been wrestling for Lucha Libre USA for almost 3 years and have been using that platform to speak against illegal immigration from the start. I have been featured on CNN, Fox News, The Geraldo Rivera Morning Show, front page of the LA Times, front page of the BBC, and most recently, ABC... Nightline. I knew it was only a matter of time before someone else took advantage of my press and success. For me to complain would say I am against capitalism, and that is not true in the least. The reason I have done what I have done is because this is not some silly wrestling storyline, this is real. My feelings are magnified for the camera and the live audience, but what I say comes from the bottom of my heart. This is why I was invited to the Sheriff Joe Arpaio walk, and asked to be a guest speaker at Rusell Pearce's (author of SB 1070) fundraiser. They say the most sincere form of flattery is imitation. I say imitation is suicide, because to try to be what someone else really is, is only killing who you are. Our audience is Latino, our wrestlers are Latino and that is why RJ Brewer is so effective. I don't need a mouthpiece. I don't need a machine behind me. I don't need human growth hormone and/or to be protected by a phony drug test only to be thrown out like yesterday's garbage when I am finished. RJ Brewer will always be 100% real, no matter how hard someone tries to diminish that. All I need are my views and a platform to spread them, and so far, that has worked just fine. Lucha Libre USA goes on tour this spring, stay tuned for dates and stay tuned for a documentary to be filmed about "Latin America's Favorite Enemy." Last year, an average of 3000 fans came out each night to watch us, and this year should be even better. Thank you.

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King Barrett
Niveau 70

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Date d'inscription : 04/06/2012
Age : 23

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Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat.   Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. EmptyMer 20 Fév 2013 - 1:58

On peut avoir la traduction?
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Jack Swagger
Niveau 19
Jack Swagger

Messages : 1093
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2013

Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat.   Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. EmptyMer 20 Fév 2013 - 8:51

ouep je te mettrai sa.
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CM Punk
WWED Champion
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CM Punk

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Date d'inscription : 22/03/2011
Age : 33

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Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat.   Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. EmptySam 23 Fév 2013 - 3:11

très intéressant, je parle pas anglais
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Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat.   Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat. Empty

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Jack Swagger et la WWE accusés de plagiat.
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